Add a banner for your profile
Jamespot offers users to add a banner to illustrate their profile.
To add a banner : Click on your photo at the top right > Edit.
Scroll down to Other information > Banner and click on Add file.
The size of the banner is 1920px by 480px.
Select your banner and click Save.
See the result 😎:
You can also modify your banner directly from your profile page. To do this click on the Gear Icon > Edit.
Add a banner for your profile
To add a banner : Click on your photo at the top right > Edit.
Scroll down to Other information > Banner and click on Add file.
The size of the banner is 1920px by 480px.
Select your banner and click Save.
See the result 😎:
You can also modify your banner directly from your profile page. To do this click on the Gear Icon > Edit.
Updated on: 26/05/2020
Thank you!